Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Natural Sore Throat Remedy: Ilog Maria Honey Propolis Throat Spray

It's the "brrrr" months and cough and colds are common especially since our weather recently has been driving us crazy with chilly mornings and warm afternoons or sunny mornings and rainy afternoons.

The embarrassment of having to excuse yourself to indulge in a coughing fit or to not have time to excuse yourself at all, is just as inconvenient as the coughing fit itself. Add to that the scratchy throat and watery eyes as evidence of your "barking" episode and people suddenly move their distance when communicating with you.

Luckily, I found a quick remedy to avoid such embarrassing moments. I am always in search for healthier products and natural alternatives to prescription drugs. One of my discoveries is Ilog Maria's Honey Propolis Throat Spray (P195.00 from The Echo Store).

This 30ml wonder has been very convenient to carry around in a bag. All you need to do is just spray it inside your mouth whenever you feel an itch in your throat to relieve sore throat or prevent coughing fits.

Honey has long been known for its health benefits and medicinal properties so it was a no-brainer for me to pick this up along with my usual organic products purchase.

A friend of mine tells me that this smells wonderful whenever I use it. But since I have a cold, I can't really say how it smells. All I know is that it has a rather unpleasant bitter and minty taste but it wasn't as bad as the taste of most commercial cough syrups. It's cheaper too since the whole 30ml bottle goes a long way.

This should be a staple in your purse during the cough and colds season. Make sure though that you are not allergic to honey and honey products.

Have a merry, no-itchy-throat, Christmas! :-)

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