Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Missing Taco Bell

I'm cooped up at home because of work but also because the rainy weather makes me too lazy to go outside. So I have to content myself with imagining what I'd be doing when I go to the nearest mall. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to find somewhere to eat.

Whenever I go to Trinoma and I don't know what I want to eat or where I want to eat, I usually opt for Taco Bell. It's also become our gang's meeting place whenever we get together. And since I have the pictures, here's some of my fave Taco Bell eats.

First off, my all-time favorite from their menu is the Cheesey Fiesta Potatoes (P49 single order). I don't usually care what's the main item as long as I have this on the side when I order their value meals.

So why do I like it? It may be the crusty and flavorful skin and the soft and chewy inside of the potatoes. It could also be the tangy white sauce which has a refreshing taste coupled with the savory, salty, melted cheese. It's the combination of the potatoes and the toppings that really makes me want to order this every time. I'm not even sure what's in the potato crust but I'm sure there's gotta be pepper in there.

Next favorite is the Cheesy Quesadilla (P89 for cheese, P129 for Extreme Cheese & Beef and for Chicken/Steak). I ordered the Extreme Cheese & Beef variety with more beefy goodness. I love wraps and this meat and veggie wrap looks and also tastes delicious.

The fillings are pretty hefty too, the last time I ordered it anyway. Just take a look! That's why I order this whenever I feel like eating a big meal but a pasta or rice meal seems too heavy. 

Both these two come in a value meal whose price I had forgotten but less than P200. It comes with a regular sized drink of your choice.

I have other favorites but these two are my go-tos.

Most recently, they had come up with nachos drizzled with chocolate sauce. It does look yummy and you can taste the chocolate quite distinctly. I guess this is one of those weird combinations that work - salty nachos and sweet chocolate. Just like fries and sundae hot fudge.

I don't remember what I had with this dessert but it also tasted good. I'm not too much into sweets though so I still prefer the regular nacho dips. But for variety, this one's a good twist.

Ah, my reminiscing has made me hungry. Luckily it's almost time for lunch. Still, I gotta get out of the house soon and taste some of my favorite treats. :-)


  1. I've never eaten at Taco Bell but the quesadilla looks yummy!

    p.s. Malapit na ang Pasko... Christmas party naman? Hehe!

  2. Oo nga eh, hehehe. I guess Christmas Party na nga lang or Halloween Party puwede din. :-)
